Next government will need to build trust between HMRC and self-employed
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The next government must take a direct hand in rebuilding trust between HMRC and the self-employed, according to the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE).

The call is part of IPSE's manifesto for the General Election on 4 July.

Under its proposals, a Cabinet minister would be charged with directly overseeing the tax office. Taxpayers would also be offered more recourse when the department has acted carelessly or unfairly.

The manifesto also calls for the prevention of 'obscenely' long payment terms and the scrapping of the off-payroll rules.

IPSE also wants to see an end to shortfalls in support for self-employed parents and better incentives for people to adopt side hustles.

Derek Cribb, IPSE's CEO, said:

'The self-employed vote is very much up for grabs at this election – more than at any election in living memory.

'The sector is bursting with potential to get more people working, plug skills gaps and grow the economy. But this potential is being squandered by the devastating impact of late payments, careless tax enforcement, and a lack of proactive policymaking catered to the millions of people who work for themselves.

'At this election, the party that fully embraces the self-employed stands to gain their support. The proposals in our manifesto offers the parties the chance to do just that.'

Internet link: IPSE website

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